A Brazilian shopping center has implemented RecFaces facial recognition system

The major project to ensure the Jockey Plaza shopping center security
The Id-Guard solution, developed by the Dubai-based company RecFaces, has become a part of a major project to ensure the Jockey Plaza shopping center security (Curitiba, Brazil). As part of the collaborative work, Pelco, Francaza, and RecFaces managed to implement biometric identification in the video stream received from surveillance cameras.
Jockey Plaza is a new shopping center with over 200 000 m², 400 stores, and 28 public catering establishments. The project aimed at equipping the shopping center with video surveillance cameras, automating the security service work, introducing biometric recognition to improve the shopping center security, quickly investigating the theft, vandalism, and other crimes.
Developed on the basis of the RecFaces Id-Guard software product, a specialized plug-in VxFaces has been used in the project to recognize faces and create a database of biometric profiles. The VxFaces recognition module serves to add functionality to the VMS Pelco VideoXpert system, already used in the shopping center. Id-Guard easy integration with VMS VideoXpert enables to launch functions for searching faces (including retrospective search) and the biometric templates storage in the unified interface of the shopping center video analysis system.
Id-Guard compares the data received from the video stream with a pre-loaded biometric profiles list, as well as with previously detected images. After uploading a list of profiles and assigning to them the attribute “list”, the solution instantly informs the operator about recognized or unrecognized people, list membership, etc.
“Let's say the security service needs to find out whether a wanted person has been in a shopping center. His/her photo is uploaded to the system and VxFaces automatically analyzes the archived video and video stream in real-time. Or, for instance, there has been committed theft or vandalism in the shopping center. Therefore, to reduce the risk of a recurrence, the criminal’s biometric profile obtained from the video stream will be saved, and the system will send notifications when he/she appears. As soon as a person from a stop list appears within the camera's field of view, the operator will instantly know about it. Our experience allows us to say that VxFaces implementation not only saves security service specialists’ time, as they no longer have to watch videos for hours in case of an incident investigation, but also increases the efficiency and effectiveness of investigations,” said Tamara Morozova, the CEO of RecFaces.
It is essential to note that RecFaces already has extensive experience in international project implementation. The company has previously announced similar large-scale deals this year, such as the biometric identification of passengers project at Nairobi International Airport.
RecFaces has officially entered the market this spring, opening a representative office to work with local customers and partners. The company's management promises that the work on implementing projects abroad will continue, and that they will be even more large-scaled and complex regarding facial biometrics application.