RecFaces releases boxed solution for biometrically accurate work time tracking

On November 28, 2022 RecFaces, the market leader in readymade facial recognition software, came up with a new product announcement. The company announced the release of the cutting-edge biometric solution Id-Time, reliable on-site logging of work time.
The product has already sparked a lot of interest among large construction companies that can notably benefit from the RecFaces new solution. In the context of business process automation, the company has released the new boxed solution Id-Time designed to optimize the work of HR departments.
Id-Time highly facilitates work time logging and analysis of compliance with labor discipline due to dealing with ready-made reports based on a reliable array of data. The basic version of the product comprises five types of reports: attendance, idling time per day, tardiness, presence hours and system fraud attempts. The completeness of this information makes HR reporting and worktime records more accurate as well as efficient.
Id-Time software solution ensures trouble-proof delivery of all push notifications, even if data transmission channels are unstable. This is possible due to the facial recognition terminals being able to operate autonomously with biometric templates preloaded into their memory, and send the information to the customer's secure server when the connection is restored.
«We can clearly see a demand for off-the-shelf biometric products that do not only tackle the problem of ghost employment, but also monitor actual hours worked. Such records are crucial when calculating labor wages since they correlate with the profit each separate employee brings to the company,» says Tamara Morozova, RecFaces CEO.
«The solution has proven particularly effective in terms of monitoring contract workers and crews at construction sites, warehouse terminals and other sites with a high percentage of hired staff. Facial biometrics has been successfully helping construction business managers secure full control over their employees», she adds.
The growing interest in time monitoring systems, including those based on facial biometrics, is largely dictated by the need for comprehensive automation. According to a Top10VPN study, global demand for employee monitoring software reached a record 78% growth in January 2022. According to the forecast of International Data Corporation (IDC), in 2022, the expenses of European companies on biometric systems will grow by 20% compared to 2021. Furthermore, IDC believes this trend is going to carry forward until 2026, when the cost of biometrics is expected to total $ 6.1 billion USD.