“Facial recognition systems practical application”: RecFaces shared its view on smart city technology

On August 21 an online conference dedicated to facial recognition technology and its practical application has taken place.
The conference has been organized by the RUBEZH industry magazine, which deals with the publications on physical and information security.
The conference focused on the digital economy, the role of biometrics in people's everyday lives, and the commercial and government entities' business processes.
The event was attended by 10 speakers from top Russian companies dealing with the development and implementation of facial recognition projects, such as PJSC Rostelecom, group of companies Speech Technology Centers, AxxonSoft, and others.
Dmitry Sivokhin, a RecFaces representative, made a presentation on “Digitalization under surveillance: myth or reality? What is the purpose of a total biometrization, which controls the citizens through the face recognition system”. Dmitry raised an important issue that often concerns not only ordinary citizens but also commercial and public companies — the issue of biometrics legitimacy and legality. “By a reversal of logic, we tried to answer the key question that we face in almost every negotiation with customers or partners, which is personal data security. This issue certainly concerns everyone, as the biometric system collects and processes people's data, and only a few people know what happens to it later. Moreover, it is unclear in what form and where this data is aggregated. As for our Id-Me platform, photos are stored in a depersonalized archive of biometric templates that are linked to specific IDs. Furthermore, the meta-information for each identifier (gender, age, etc.) is stored separately. Therefore, it is impossible to compare the data of a real person with the ID, which allows you to comply with the data protection rules,” said Dmitry Sivokhin, RecFaces project development director.
During the presentation, Dmitry also discussed topics related to the goals of managing face biometrics projects and foreign companies' experience using such technologies.
RecFaces has implemented several major international projects in such countries as Kenya, Brazil, Australia, etc. RecFaces representative told the event participants about foreign cases and the history of the introduction of Russian biometric products outside the Russian Federation.
The conference “Facial recognition systems practical application” gathered more than 200 participants, including biometric system developers and integrators, as well as corporate companies.