RecFaces’ Technical Support Standards

It is possible to provide technical support for solutions around the world only with a well-established and proven system for dealing with each incident. We will tell you how RecFaces created and worked out its system in today's article.
The main function of the RecFaces technical support service is to assist in the installation of the company's products, including abroad, as well as to provide tutorials during the operation of products to distribution partners who install equipment from customers and then provide technical support themselves. However, in some cases, when the help of qualified RecFaces specialists is required, the service works on request and with end users. Most of the requests are related to the specifics of biometrics, including the specifics of configuring the accuracy and quality of the biometric system, as well as solving technical issues related to the functioning of the equipment and the use of software.
Requests to the service are divided into several categories, including consultations when the customer has questions about using the product and needed additional clarification from a RecFaces specialist, as well as requests for the elimination of an incident — an event that led to a complete or partial shutdown of the RecFaces product, service requests related to the installation of updates.
Also, the application received by the service is assigned priority in accordance with the established criteria. According to the degree of importance, this can be “Critical priority” — when a product malfunction led to a complete shutdown of the technical process for the user, “Major priority” — when the technical process is disrupted due to a malfunction and there is a threat of stopping it, “Standard priority” — in the case of a request about a systematic but minor malfunction that does not affect the execution of the technical process. And, finally, “Minor priority” is assigned to the application for a malfunction that appears from time to time and does not affect the performance of the technical process being performed.
According to the company's regulations, 4 and 8 hours are allocated to eliminate an incident with a critical and significant priority, 3 and 10 days are allocated to resolve requests with a normal and minor priority, respectively. However, in practice, RecFaces specialists often solve issues much more quickly than is stipulated by the regulations.
Along with the license, users purchase a certificate, according to which technical support is provided, as well as system updates twice a year. The company releases a new version, the facial recognition algorithm is updated — and the user receives updates of the biometric product in time.
In accordance with the range of tasks performed, the company's technical support service can be divided into three lines. The first one performs the function of a service desk, where all user requests are accumulated with further distribution to specific specialists (if necessary). The second line is represented by specialists who are able to provide qualified assistance in various areas, including consulting in hardware (primarily cameras, terminals) and software setup.
On the third line there are specialists who are engaged in software problem solving that ensures the smooth functioning of the equipment. This is not an easy task, as the equipment is becoming more and more complex — its functionality is expanding, the resolution of cameras is growing, and the requirements for the capabilities of biometric systems are also growing.
It should be clarified that RecFaces specialists are not engaged in problem solving with the customer's equipment or software, but help to localize them. For example, if for some reason the server has stopped “seeing” the camera, the company's specialists assist the customer in identifying the causes of problems and correcting them.
The key task of the RecFaces team is to ensure that the biometric product works properly, ensuring maximum system efficiency.
In addition, RecFaces has a group of analysts who can assist the customer in solving non-standard challenges.
This structure of the technical support service, whose staff does not exceed 10 people, allows you to quickly and effectively respond to any request received, as well as to cope with the problems that have arisen.
The interest in biometric systems is very high among companies, now customers often apply RecFaces partners for a request to conduct a demonstration or get acquainted with the capabilities of the products. Unfortunately, these requests are often not fully elaborated in terms of system requirements. For this purpose, the company has prepared manuals for customers (end users) and partners (distributors, integrators), which allow to prepare for the demonstration, so that it is possible to fully demonstrate the capabilities of the system. In addition, the training of partners conducted by the company allows them to provide technical support on their own in the future.
Commenting on the fashion trend of outsourcing the functions of the support service, RecFaces eliminate such an approach. At the same time, the company is open for cooperation, not only in matters of technical support, but also training, thanks to which the company's partners and end users get a deeper understanding of the software, its advantages and features of working with it.