Biometric identification ecosystem
A set of technologies and proven practices for implementing and effectively applying biometric solutions based on various algorithms.

Biometric identification ecosystem Id-Expert
It includes ready-made biometric software products, and a set of services and approaches that allow you to implement the necessary identification processes to automate, improve efficiency, and launch new innovative services for business.
The biometric identity ecosystem includes:
Licensing and technical support center
Monitoring system
Integration mechanisms
Live notification services
The biometric identity ecosystem includes:
Licensing and technical support center
Monitoring system
Integration mechanisms
Live notification services
We created the Id-Expert biometric identification ecosystem to make complex technologies simple and applicable in business here and now.
Id-Expert is a constructor based on RecFaces software products, which allows you to gradually build on available biometric services, as well as a set of vertical and horizontal scaling mechanisms necessary for the operation of corporate systems, health monitoring services, data backup and recovery, automatic updates.

We provide integration of our solutions with various types of external systems through an open API.
There are ready-made solution packages within the system for: