Biometric identification ecosystem

Technology stack for biometric identification software products
The technological base of RecFaces biometric identification software products is built on a microservice and cross-platform architecture. Contains a large set of services for performing biometric, application and service tasks. Provide the ability to create boxed solutions for large distributed solutions, including the simultaneous use of multiple biometric algorithms.
- Linux 2.6.33 or higher
- Windows 2008 or higher
- Linux 2.6.33 or higher
- Windows 7 x86/x64 or higher
- WebSocket
The database is selected depending on the customer's needs. We offer PostgreSQL (Postgres Pro) as the main DBMS. You can switch to MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, SQLite3 databases.
The platform implements the function of caching high-demand data by default, it is suggested to use Redis for caching. On request it is possible to use Memcached or Tarantool.
System features
Integration with the system is possible on 3 levels:
High-level integration: sending out e-mail, sms using custom message templates, calls to external systems using REST/SOAP using templates configured by the administrator;
External REST API: calling all business functions;
Low-level API: calling all internal functions of services.
Services – horizontal scaling
Database – vertical and horizontal scaling
Queues – vertical and horizontal scaling
Role model and authorization
The platform contains a flexible role model that allows you to fine-tune privileges and roles, with the ability to inherit roles.
Built-in authorization — authorization by login / password, by token
Active Directory — Using an external AD server during authorization
LDAP — Using an external LDAP server during authorization
Software stack
С, С++, C#
Golang, Python
Angular, Material
JavaScript, TypeScript