RecFaces at Gitex, Dubai

The company RecFaces took part in the largest event in the world of information technologies — the exhibition Gitex Technology Week.
The Gitex exhibition in Dubai is one of the most authoritative events in the industry and the most authoritative event in the Middle East, bringing together 4.5 thousand participants and 100 thousand visitors this year.
RecFaces introduced its flagship video analytics and surveillance products, as well as a solution for free access to information. One of the solutions presented, Id-Gate, allows you to modernize the usual turnstiles and card readers, adding the possibility of passing, using the face for identification. Id-Guard provides analytics for all employees and visitors to the office. And Id-Logon replaces or supplements the password with face identification, allowing you to disable the computer if an unauthorized user decides to use it.
The interactivity of the stand favorably distinguished it from other participants in the exhibition and allowed to attract a lot of visitors. Anticovid settings — temperature check, mask mode, contactless face recognition — were in great demand in the pandemic era. However, the identification terminal was especially popular among the guests of the exhibition, which clearly demonstrated how quickly and easily the system copes with the task of recognizing and authorizing or denying access. And the ability to make sure that the system could not be deceived by showing photos or videos from the phone screen instead of a living person dispelled the doubts of even the most inveterate skeptics.
RecFaces has every reason to consider participation in Gitex an important step for entering not only the markets of the Middle East, but also the entire EMEA region. Based on the results of the exhibition, the company plans to decide whether to open its own office in this region or choose strategic partners.