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Biometric software product with robust user authentication for unlocking a device or gaining access to operating systems or apps
A biometric software product for increasing the level of security at the facility during video surveillance
A biometric software product for biometric identity verification in access control and management systems
A biometric software product for displaying personalized media content
A biometric software product with facial recognition for reliable identity check
A biometric software product with facial recognition that expands the electronic queue systems with personalized services for visitors
A software product that provides simple and reliable working time and attendance by identifying faces using tablets, IP cameras, or terminals
A biometric software product with facial recognition that provides enhanced communication with clients
A biometric software product that provides a reliable and quick check of the gym clients access right without employee’s participation
A new level of work with visitors and employees of Business centers opened with the help of biometric products
Biometrics for convenient service to citizens, including remote monitoring of the quality of personnel work
Biometric monitoring of working hours and additional security tools for industrial facilities
Modern methods of biometric analytics for safe operation of sports facilities
Convenient and secure transport solutions based on the digital identity of the passenger
Biometric solutions for a new level of security and interaction with visitors
Biometric video Analytics for targeted marketing and personnel control in distributed networks
Biometric products for proctoring and video surveillance systems in educational institutions
Keyless biometric access to rooms, targeted approach to each client and information about the time of work for employees
Necessary tool for the security and competitiveness of a modern Bank
Improving the level of security, speed of investigations and timely prevention of illegal acts in the urban public space
Customer-oriented solutions, acceleration of the work process of the registry area, control of the staff of the entire institution
RecFaces makes facial biometrics simple and applicable. We provide a wide range of ready-made biometric solutions for businesses to upgrade their security and technological efficiency.
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Speed, reliability, simplicity: the vision of a modern facial biometrics’ product

The vision of a modern facial biometrics’ product. — RecFaces

In recent years biometrics have gone a difficult way from suspicious “know-how not for everyone” to a familiar technology that is well known to the mass user.

Today not only state organizations, but also industrial enterprises and companies in the commercial sector express interest in it. At the same time, customer expectations are constantly growing, thereby stimulating the development of both the technology itself and ready-made solutions for its implementation. What characteristics should a modern biometric product have? Let's find out with the RecFaces team.


Easy and fast installation
Comfortable integration with existing infrastructure
Accuracy and reliability of algorithms
Сarefully designed interface
Flexible notification system and mobile app availability
Expansion of functionality and new use cases
Regular updates and technical support

Easy and fast installation

Until recently the introduction of biometric identification took months even in small enterprises. Setting up recognition algorithms and optimizing them for a specific project required real efforts. Everything has changed with the entry into the market of box biometric solutions. For example, installing ready-made biometric products Id-Guard or Id-Gate by RecFaces using the installer takes only 20 minutes. And it takes no more than a week to complete the configuration and train security officers to work with the product.

Comfortable integration with existing infrastructure

Another requirement due to the trend for simplicity and convenience. Box biometric solutions are characterized by deep integration with most of video surveillance systems and ACS. For example, Id-Gate is integrated with access control systems manufactured by Bosch, Honeywell, Schneider Electric, Sigur, Kone and other leading brands. And Id-Guard has ready-made certified integration modules with such popular VMS as Pelco VideoXpert, Milestone XProtect, Bosch Security Systems BVMS. The ability to scale the system also becomes an important factor in choosing a biometric product for many companies.

Accuracy and reliability of algorithms

Improvement of the technical base is a key element in the evolution of biometric products. Today the level of facial recognition algorithms is incredibly high. Domestic biometric algorithms lead in ranking of NIST — the National Institute of Standards and Technologies. This rating is based on testing data of world recognition systems on a multimillion closed photo database. Modern algorithms show high accuracy even in difficult conditions. For example, in poorly-lit rooms. Or in cases where an identifiable person uses a mask or simply covers part of the face.

A separate vector of the biometric technologies’ development was the counteraction of compromising the system using fake photos and videos. First of all, we are talking about deepfake technology. From possible facts of fraud, the system is protected by Liveness algorithms that can distinguish living people from photos or videos. Read more about the confrontation between biometrics and deepfakes in our article “Running race: biometric technologies vs deepfake”.

Сarefully designed interface

No matter how accurate the recognition algorithms are, an uncomfortable interface risks nullifying all impressions of using the product. Quick access to the necessary functions for performing operational tasks, visual designer, selection of widgets, the ability to personalize the workspace — for a modern biometric product, these elements are absolute must have.

Flexible notification system and mobile app availability

In the modern world biometrics is able to solve a variety of tasks, but its main purpose remains security, where speed plays a huge role. The faster the security officer receives information about the appearance of an undesirable person at the site or access right violation, the more chances has the officer to prevent a possible incident.

Modern facial biometrics’ products are able to generate notifications by camera groups, locations, biometric profiles from the enterprise database, stop lists or by responsibility areas of particular security personnel. They also have multi-channel notifications. For example, you can set up mailing via SMS, messengers, e-mail, or push notifications in the application. Also, it is worth noting the importance of having a mobile application for the product. Using the app, security officers can receive information about the incident, the scene and violators, even being outside the stationary workplace. For example, while bypassing the territory. This makes the security service even more mobile and operational.

Expansion of functionality and new use cases

As biometric technologies are developing, users start to make more demands on them. For example, earlier, smart video surveillance system was simply required to identify a person. And now, using biometric products, it is possible to track the trajectory of people moving through the territory of the site, to form operational observation lists. The pandemic became a significant trigger for the expansion of functionality.

For example, QR code checks and mask mode control have been added to the basic use cases of biometric solutions in ACS. Another example is new possibilities of using facial recognition technologies for authorization in information systems. Today biometrics in this area is not only an alternative to passwords and logins, but also provides some additional functions. Even if your password has been revealed, an unauthorized person will not be able to use it, because in this case the password is “your face".

So, the Id-Logon software solution from RecFaces provides a mechanism for protecting corporate information systems from third parties. For example, an employee might forget to lock the computer while leaving the workplace. If an unauthorized person tries to use the system at this moment, the system automatically recognizes its appearance on the monitor and blocks access to the computer.

Regular updates and technical support

This feature is a logical continuation of the previous point. New features = regular software updates.

When purchasing a product, the customer always wants to expect the technical support by the developer. For example, RecFaces provides support to both distributors-partners and end users. Depending on the type of tasks, there are three lines of the technical support service. The first one collects applications and distributes them to specific specialists, if necessary. The second helps with the configuration of the system and software, and the third one solves problems with the software, providing the uninterrupted operation of the equipment. In addition, the team has analysts specializing in solving non-standard business tasks. For more information on how customer service works, see our article “RecFaces’ Technical Support Standards”.

Free training courses have also been developed for partners and customers of the company. There you can learn about the principles of biometric algorithms, get acquainted with the features of a particular product and understand the nuances of fine-tuning.

The listed characteristics concern various aspects of products in the field of facial biometrics. Depending on the tasks of a particular project, certain requirements are in the forefront. Nevertheless, if we talk about fundamental principles, then this is simplicity, reliability, convenience and development. Fast installation, reliable “filling”, convenient interface and the ability to adapt to changing needs — this is the customers' vision of a modern biometric product.

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